7 Signs It’s Time For A New Email Service Provider

6 Aug 2023

7 signs it's time for a new email provider ecosend
7 signs it's time for a new email provider ecosend

Email delivers a whopping $42 ROI for every $1 spent. 

With over 4 million users of email (and numbers growing each year), email marketing should offer a winning formula for every business. 

However, the one thing standing in between any email marketer and their subscribers is the email service provider they use. This is the place where subscriber data is held and campaigns are created, sent and monitored. 

Some of the most well-known email providers include the likes of Mailchimp or HubSpot. Plus the classic free providers such as Gmail or Outlook. 

Then there's ourselves here at EcoSend! ✉️ 😉

Whichever email service provider you happen to use - it’s important that your needs are being met, especially if you do any email marketing on behalf of your business. 

So here are some of the top signs it’s time to jump ship in the email marketing stakes to maximise your campaign success. 

Your Email List Is Growing

When a physical store starts to get more profitable, it’s natural to want to move into bigger premises. Email marketing works much the same, when your subscriber count is significantly larger than when you first started out. 

Depending on which provider you use for email marketing, it might be geared more towards email newbies than growing empires. Or, where you’re using a professional provider and you can scale your plan - the price of doing so might not be worth it. 

In either case, your email provider needs to be able to keep up as your list grows, meaning flexibility is key here. 

Plus, larger lists also call for more features such as the ability to segment your audiences and much more. 

Good to know: EcoSend’s initial package allows for up to 2,500 contacts, with custom packages also available for 20,000+ contacts. 

Lack Of Features You Need To Succeed At Email Marketing 

Let’s dive into this ‘more features’ point a little further, since a lack of features is also a major reason to leave your current email platform behind. 

Any tool you use whether it be an email platform, SEO software or even analytics tools should give you all the features you need. Otherwise, you might not be able to do everything you need to do, which can put your business at a disadvantage when looking to outperform any competitors.

Believe it or not, some email providers actually offer you too many features, in terms of aspects not specifically related to email marketing. 

For instance, the ability to build web pages or social media marketing tools. If any of the features offered don’t help with email specifically, you may still need to switch to another provider. 

So do check the list of features provided carefully, ensuring they give your business room to grow over time. 

Deliverability Has Dropped

Email deliverability is essential to getting your emails seen, read and interacted with. 

After all, even if you send the very best email campaigns - if they are heading straight to the spam folder then it’s a wasted effort. 

When all other methods to improve deliverability have failed (i.e., checking if you’re using spam trigger words in your subject lines) then it could be the email provider itself at fault.

To be sure, it’s worth doing your research to see if other users are having a similar problem. 

Sharp Plan Price Hikes

No business is immune from raising its prices. Sometimes it just has to happen to stay afloat.

But there’s a fine line between reasonable price increases over time or in line with inflation and sudden dramatic ones.

As a business, you also need to be able to manage your costs. If your email service provider has become unaffordable, then shopping around could land you a much better deal. This is especially the case if you’re unable to scale your package down. 

Security Breaches Or Concerns

When subscribers hand over their personal details to sign up for your mailing list, their data must be protected. 

Unfortunately, not every email provider can handle this responsibility. Beyond GDPR, there are various security and data protection measures email providers must meet, including standards which are applicable to other countries.

Worse still, if your email provider does have a security breach, it won’t be the provider which looks bad but your company for using them. 

Likewise, all emails sent must offer the option to unsubscribe as well as display the physical address of the sender somewhere within the content. 

With CAN-SPAM Act penalties now running up to $50,120 per violation, it’s essential your email service provider can be fully trusted. 

Email providers should also ensure all of their users (that’s you!) are also compliant with the various laws that apply. This can be though sign-up policies to prevent spammy practices or by providing educational tools.

Your Business Just Feels Like Another Number

Have you ever reached out to your email service provider for help or advice, and felt frustrated by the process?

As a paying customer who relies on email marketing for your business, that just won’t do.

Writing a negative Trustpilot review is one thing, but so is voting with your feet.

In fact, if you’re not able to do what you need to do, then the sooner you switch providers the better.

Your Provider Doesn’t Offer Sustainable Email

Did you know that email marketing has a carbon footprint?

Some 300 billion emails are sent every day, and every email can emit up to 26g of CO2 depending on its weight or the size of the email thread.

Email providers should do their bit to reduce their energy consumption. For example, at EcoSend, our systems run on renewable energy sources. We also plant trees on behalf of our customers and invest some of our profits into climate-conscious causes.

Get this…we’ve even recently helped out at a local outdoor community project in London. How often do you see a CEO out with a spade? 

We’re not telling you this just to show off. Rather, to highlight that your email service provider should care about reducing its impact on the climate crisis. Plus, the ethos of the company should also align with your own as a business. 

If you current provider hasn't addressed sustainability yet, it's also another sign to head elsewhere.

EcoSend - Switch Your Email Marketing To EcoSend

Like the sound of sustainable email marketing, packed full of features starting at just $49 per month?

EcoSend is proud to offer something very different in the email marketing space. If you’re looking to switch to a new provider, we hope to offer a breath of fresh air (helped by the fact we’ll plant a tree once you sign up!) 🌳 🌎

Free trials are available on all plans, and we can also run through a product demo for businesses. Simply pick your EcoSend plan to get started. 

Unsure how to switch your email provider? Check out our migration page, where we run you through what’s involved. Our team will personally help you switch if you get stuck, ensuring nobody is left behind! 

Need to chat about anything else? Check out the EcoSend Support Centre or drop us a message (will open a new tab).

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

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The email marketing platform for better business

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  • Multi-channel Campaigns

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  • MailChimp Import

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The email marketing platform for better business

Win new customers, send better email, and make the planet better with every campaign.

  • Free Email Templates

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  • Automated Campaigns

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  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API