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Latest updates to the EcoSend platform.

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Latest updates to the EcoSend platform.

What's new?

Latest updates to the EcoSend platform.

Make your website Pop!

21 Oct 2024

We know how important website forms are to EcoSend clients, to help you grow & nurture your subscriber base.

Our Embedded EcoSend Forms have been really popular, but we also received feedback from clients who wanted 'pop-up' versions of forms, in addition to the static versions.

And so… our Product team went and built them! We love hearing from clients and taking their suggestions all the way through to feature release, and this project was a delight to work on 🙌

Now, when creating your EcoSend Form, you can choose between an embedded or pop-up version, before proceeding to build it out in a way which suits your website's branding, as well as detailing the information you wish to capture.

Pop-up forms are dynamic, and can be triggered according to pre-determined criteria, such as time spent on page, or displaying exit intent.

These new forms provide a wonderful channel to grow your user base, and get users' attention at exactly the right time.

Check out our video below, and go install your first pop-up forms today!

Now available - CAPTCHA in EcoSend Forms

13 Sept 2024

Introducing Captcha in Forms: a way to confidently capture key contact information in your EcoSend Forms!

This is a new feature in our form builder (under 'add field') where you can now add CAPTCHA to protect your forms better bot and spam submissions

We want to empower you to create great forms, but according to your own preferences. And so you have the option of making CAPTCHA always visible on the form or hidden from the form and working in the background, unless it requires manual interaction from the individual submitting the form.

To ensure accessibility we are using Cloudfare's Turnstile which is WCAG compliant. 

Our Product Team hopes you enjoy the latest update!

Drag & Drop Images

5 Aug 2024

Introducing - drag & drop images! 🎨

Our no-code email builder option seems to be by far the preferred choice for our audience.

That said some Marketers do have a love for code, and for these Marketers, our code-your-own email option is the only way.

Before this update, adding images to our HTML code builder required manually inputting <img src> fields and image URLs, which could be a little time-consuming.

But thanks to our latest release, simply drag & drop your image into the message canvas and EcoSend will build out the <img src> code inputs and image URL all for you! 🙌

Just another way to help you save time and build high-quality, climate-conscious email campaigns.

Have a good week and keep your eyes open for our next update!

Accessibility Updates

1 Aug 2024

We're constantly on the lookout for ways we can improve accessibility and readability across the EcoSend platform.

Recently, our Product team released a series of changes to improve our body text and background colours across our email builder, in order to improve visual accessibility.

The updates include:

  • Darkening our sidebar font colour from pale-grey to black.

  • Updating the email builder line-height from 120% to 150% to improve default readability.

  • Changing the background colour of our Blank Messages and email Templates from grey to white.

We hope you find these updates useful! If you have any feedback on other areas of the platform where you'd like to see accessibility improvements, please let us know at support@ecosend.io 🙌

New Icon and Warning for Smart Groups linked to Automations

30 Jul 2024

Our Product Team have released an important new feature to the EcoSend Contacts area.

First off, this feature will show you at-a-glance which of your Smart Groups are associated to live Automations, visible from the Lightning Icon in the side-bar.

Second, the new functionality will warn you if you're about to delete any Smart Groups tied to an active Automation.

This is super important to ensure you never accidentally disrupt your live Automated Messages or Sequences, by deleting their entry or exit Smart Group trigger.

With the new functionality, you can be safe in the knowledge of never accidentally deleting the wrong Smart Group, or breaking a live message feed.

Thank you as always to our clients for suggesting this improvement. We hope you enjoy it! 💚

3 New Fonts Added

22 Jul 2024

We know how important it is that EcoSend emails match your design guidelines, so that your branding is kept consistent across your campaigns.

And a key part of any Brand's design, is your chosen Font style.

So thanks to a number of customer requests, we have now added the following custom Fonts to our no-code, drag & drop email builder:

1) Merriweather
2) Playwrite DE
3) Playwrite MX

Thank you as always for your feedback!

If there are other custom Fonts you would like to see available in the platform, please contact us at hello@ecosend.io - we will do our best to accommodate additional Font styles wherever possible.

Thanks for reading! 🙏

Confirm consent when importing Contacts

2 Jul 2024

We take the management of your data and consent to receive communication very seriously.

As part of this, we have released an update to our Import Contacts feature, which requires you to tick a checkbox to confirm you have consent to upload and communicate with the contacts and data in question.

We're delighted to kick-off the new quarter with this early new release. Keep your eyes open for many more updates to come soon! 🙌

Customise your Form Verification emails

27 Jun 2024

Our product team have shipped another release, just in time for the end of June!

Introducing a new customisation section: Brand Settings.

This new area allows you to customise the logo, colour scheme, and email sender details of your Form Verification emails.

Form Verification emails are sent when a user submits an EcoSend Form with Double opt-in enabled, ensuring only legitimate submissions are sent into your Contacts.

With the new customisation options, you can ensure the branding of these emails is consistent with your organisation's branding, and the emails are recognised by your recipients.

Click here for a quick video tutorial with our CS Lead Chris, giving further detail on the update.

7 Day Insights

5 Jun 2024

You spoke, we listened!

The EcoSend Insights dashboard now gives you even more detailed analytics for monitoring the performance of your campaigns.

Previously, you could filter the past 30-90 days of email campaigns.

But this didn't quite give you the granularity you wanted, particularly for assessing the performance of your most recent campaigns.

So thanks to our latest update, you can now filter for the past 7 days, to give you the insights you need, when you need them!

Thank you as always for your feedback, please keep it coming! 🙌

Email support is now live

31 May 2024

We are happy to announce we have now completed our migration to email Support! 🎉

Email Support has now replaced our previous Live Chat Support, in order to bring a more efficient and organised Support experience to our clients.

You can now get in touch with your Support queries to the team directly at hello@ecosend.io

Alternatively, within the platform, simply hit the 'Contact Support' link below:

For a full breakdown of the reasoning behind the decision and what it means for you, please view our blog-post here.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the change, please don't hesitate to email me at chris@ecosend.io

Thank you! 🙌

Custom Property Mapping

20 May 2024

Our Product team are delighted to announce a new feature for importing custom properties into EcoSend!

With our new Custom Property mapping feature, you can be sure the properties you are uploading in your CSV file match exactly onto existing properties in your Contacts area.

When you upload your CSV, before hitting 'Submit' you can now check from the new dropdown that the data you are uploading will match exactly onto any pre-existing custom properties.

This ensures you're able to bring in fresh data and match it up accurately onto your existing profiles, keeping your user base clean and up-to-date. As well as avoiding accidentally creating duplicate custom properties, due to data mismatching.

We hope you enjoy the new release, making it even easier to migrate or update your data base in EcoSend Contacts!

A Batch of Updates

16 May 2024

Our Product Team have made a batch of small, but mighty(!) updates to the platform over the past few days.

The first update concerns Double Opt-in Confirmation emails from EcoSend Forms.

We're always working on ways to guarantee that the deliverability of these emails, which we know are crucial to helping our clients grow their subscriber base, to be as close to 100% as possible.

As part of our ongoing monitoring and improvements, we shipped an update this week to send verification emails via a new forwarding function.

Through this update, we aim to ensure verification emails not only land safely in your recipients' email inboxes, but that all links within the email can be safely accessed. Leaving you with a healthy, growing list of validated, new subscribers for your Newsletter and email campaigns 🙌

We also shipped a couple of updates to our Broadcast UI to clarify our metrics. This makes it easier than ever to review the performance of your campaigns!

Updates to the Broadcast UI include:

  • Removing the 'Help' lightbulb in Broadcasts, once a campaign has been sent.

  • Updating the 'Clicked a Link' in Broadcast metrics to be a percentage, rather than number.

  • Adding Tooltips on the Broadcasts list page for sent, opens, clicks.

We know how important it is to have reporting metrics you can easily understand and rely on. So we hope you find these latest updates helpful!

If you have any feedback or suggestions for future updates, please don't hesitate to reach out at hello@ecosend.io 📨

The brand new Setup Guide

13 May 2024

Fresh from updating our Message Composer Experience last week, our Product Team have released a revamp of another key area of the platform; the Setup Guide.

We know how important it is for new users experiencing the EcoSend platform for the first time to have clear direction on how to navigate their first steps. As well as the ability to monitor their progress towards successfully sending email.

With the refreshed Setup Guide, new users are greeted with instructions on key features to activate, check-lists to track their progress, and links to further information about functionality and topics such as where your trees are being planted.

Whether you're brand-new to the platform, or an existing customer, we hope the all-new Setup Guide will help you get even more from EcoSend.

Updates to Template navigation

10 May 2024

We have updated our Template Navigation and included additional safety measures, so you can now confidently navigate the Message Composer area while preserving your content.

If you have already selected a Template and created your message, then navigate to the Templates area, you will be greeted with a pop-up to remind you of the risk of losing your work by proceeding.

You can then safely return to your existing template, and continue with building out your campaign.

We've also made it much easier to exit the Template view and return to an existing email, for a smoother Message composition experience.

Broadcast Send Time now included

10 May 2024

Our team have shipped a small, but handy update to our 'Sent Broadcast' modal!

Now, when you review a previous Broadcast sent from your list, you can view a useful reminder of the exact time and date the Broadcast was sent on.

Use this information to help gauge your best days & timings to send out your email campaigns for maximum open rates and engagement!

New and improved Message Composition experience

3 May 2024

Message Composer in EcoSend
Message Composer in EcoSend
Message Composer in EcoSend

This is one of the biggest updates we’ve ever made to the Message Composition experience in EcoSend

You told us you wanted more space to work on your emails. You told us you wanted a more modern experience to design and build templates. And, more than anything, you told us you wanted an easier way to save your work.

That’s why we’re rolling out three(!) big updates:

  • A new Message Composition experience that expands to make best use of your screen space.

  • An updated Visual Email Builder that introduces a new design and layout, putting your content front and centre.

  • A new “Save” button in the Message Composer so saving your work is now just a click away.

These updates are now available for all customers so you can try them out now!

We can't wait to see what you create.

Want to see more? Here's James sharing the update

More help with Open Rates in EcoSend

2 May 2024

Open Rate tooltip in EcoSend
Open Rate tooltip in EcoSend
Open Rate tooltip in EcoSend

Open Rates aren't what they used to be.

While they're a well-established industry standard for measuring the success of a campaign, they are subject to caveats and inaccuracies that are beyond the control of any email marketer.

Now, when you hover over the "Opens" number in Details view for a sent Broadcast, you'll find a helpful tooltip that explains how open rate is calculated, along with additional helpful information about Open Rate metrics.

Be sure to check out our Digital Marketing Glossary for more information on open rates.

Improved Form Submit Success Screen

30 Apr 2024

The screen your contacts see after successfully submitting their details in an EcoSend Form received a few improvements to ensure the styles now match those of the rest of your Form.

This ensures a more consistent experience for your contacts.

Learn more about Forms

Update to Double-Opt-In instructions on Forms

10 Apr 2024

We made a small update to Forms today to help visitors find the double-opt-in email they'll be sent.

When submitting a Form that has double-opt-in enabled, visitors will now see an updated message:

"Please check your email to confirm. Check your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox."

This update is now live for all customers, requires no further action from you, and makes it easier for visitors to opt-in to receive your emails.

We hope you'll find this tiny change gives a better experience to your visitors and contacts, and ultimately helps you grow your audience faster.

Remove Shared Sender Profiles

22 Mar 2024

It's now possible to easily remove unused Shared Sender Profiles.

Sender Profiles are are a combination of a name, email address, and avatar that you can use to personalise emails sent from EcoSend.

Shared Sender Profiles are ideal for sending email from a team address (like team@ or hello@) when speaking on behalf of a group or your whole company.

We heard from many of you who quickly created a Shared Sender Profile during setup, but have been trying to delete it ever since. It's now possible to do some spring cleaning — so you can now clear up any old or unused Shared Sender Profiles you don't need.

Easily see the Last Message sent in a Sequence

22 Mar 2024

You can now easily see the last message each of your contacts was sent within a Sequence.

Just head to Sequences, and view the "Subscribers" tab to see all of the contacts who are currently subscribed to your Sequence.

You'll find a new column titled "Last Message" making it easy to see the last message each contact in the Sequence was sent, and when.

New buttons to add a contact and create a Broadcast

14 Mar 2024

We've added two helpful buttons to the EcoSend Home area: "Add a Contact" and "New Broadcast".

These buttons make it easier to perform two really common actions, without having to dig into any specific area of the platform first.

We hope you like this small timesaver!

New "first run" user onboarding

28 Feb 2024

Confetti in the new user onboarding
Confetti in the new user onboarding
Confetti in the new user onboarding

With the new Onboarding flow, you can now add your domain and get verified to send emails, all within a few clicks!

The same goes for verifying a Sender Profile 👥

Now, whenever you add a new team member - they can attach their profile to send from your project's verified domain straight away!

Easily add a helpful footer to your EcoSend emails

14 Dec 2023

EcoSend Footer
EcoSend Footer
EcoSend Footer

The holiday season is upon us, so we thought we'd give you a little gift before everyone takes a much-needed break.

In the Visual Builder, you'll find the new footer you can easily drag and drop into your emails.

The new footer is tried and tested, using industry-standard best practices, and designed to look great in all email clients.

Effortlessly comply with Anti-Spam Laws

In order to comply with anti-spam laws like CAN-SPAM, it's good practice to include your business address and an unsubscribe link in every email you send.

With the new footer, it's easier than ever to add these essential elements, saving you time and ensuring your emails meet legal requirements.

Sent with EcoSend, sustainably

We believe we're just scratching the surface of digital sustainability. There's so much still to do, and it starts with raising awareness.

We want to help you easily share your support for a more sustainable future.

That's why the new footer also includes the 'Sent with EcoSend' link, showcasing your commitment to the environment and raising awareness of EcoSend's initiatives.

Available for everyone, today

We can't wait for you to try out the new footer. Now you can create beautiful, compliant emails with ease, all while showcasing your values and supporting a more sustainable world.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Happy holidays, and happy emailing!

Introducing Intelligent Unsubscribe Logic

8 Nov 2023

Screenshot of Intelligent Unsubscribes
Screenshot of Intelligent Unsubscribes
Screenshot of Intelligent Unsubscribes

To counter an increase in automated Unsubscribe activity, our Product team have introduced conditional double-click Unsubscribe logic to EcoSend email campaigns 💪

Respecting users' deliberate choices to unsubscribe from email communications is a core part of EcoSend's service as an email platform.

🤖 We have however, recently seen an uptick in automated unsubscribe events. These are typically triggered by automated email-link crawlers, resulting in non-deliberate unsubscribe actions.

In order to prevent users from being unintentionally unsubscribed from your email campaigns, we are delighted to introduce conditional double-click unsubscribes.

This means if an EcoSend email is received, and the unsubscribe link is immediately 'clicked' by an email crawler immediately after receipt, a confirmation page will be generated requiring a second click in order to confirm the unsubscribe.

This way, we ensure automated actions do not result in unsubscribes, but intentional unsubscribes remain respected 🙌

If an EcoSend email is received, and the unsubscribe link clicked after a reasonable delay, our usual one-click unsubscribe action will be triggered.

This ensures that deliberate user requests to unsubscribe are immediately actioned, preventing user frustration and unnecessary friction, which can otherwise lead to users filing spam complaints.

Scheduled Broadcasts are now live

2 Nov 2023

Schedule Broadcast Campaigns
Schedule Broadcast Campaigns
Schedule Broadcast Campaigns

We're excited to release our most requested feature to date: Scheduled Broadcasts!

Perhaps you're going to be on holiday when your next newsletter is due to send...

Or perhaps you've got a coordinated a big announcement at a specific time next Wednesday while you're in a meeting...

You can now create your whole campaign and schedule it for a specific time in just a few clicks 🎉

We've designed Scheduled Broadcasts to be as easy as possible to use, just like every feature in EcoSend ✅

Simply craft your message and select your audience as you normally would when creating a Broadcast. Then, instead of hitting "Send", you'll see a new button: "Schedule".

By choosing "Schedule" you can send your Broadcast at a specific time and day in the future.

EcoSend will automatically update your audience so any last-minute additions or unsubscribes will be factored in and your message will send in the background, seamlessly.

Whether you're there to watch it, or away on the beach sipping a cold drink, Scheduled Broadcasts will save you time and ease the pressure of hitting 'send' in the moment.

You can try scheduling your next Broadcast today. Just sign in to check it out!

Saved Blocks - recreate email campaigns with ease

30 Oct 2023

Our Product Team are delighted to release two new features today. Both focused on making it easy to recreate your email campaigns, time after time

If you use a regular layout for your email messages, create a saved 'Block' to use and transpose across future email campaigns.

Once you have designed your block, which could be a group of text, images, headings, social icons, or even a whole email layout - simply click the Save icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the block to add it to your set list under 'Blocks'.

Save your Block and give it a title, so you can refer back to it later on.

You can then access the Block for any future email campaigns, and simply drag & drop the block into your composer to edit & send in no-time!

We hope you enjoy these features to make it faster & easier than ever to send out high-quality emails with EcoSend 🙌

We love hearing feedback from clients, so if you have any suggestions for future features you'd like to see in the platform, please let us know.

Image Library

30 Dec 2023

Image Library in EcoSend
Image Library in EcoSend
Image Library in EcoSend

You can now save any images you use on a regular basis buy clicking the 'Uploads' option from the right-hand sidebar of your Email Composer.

Simply Upload or drag & drop your images into the box to have them saved and available for you anytime you open the message composer, ready for your next email campaigns!