Where does EcoSend plant my trees?

Everything you need to know about EcoSend's partnership with Treeapp!


How do we calculate how many trees to plant for your account? Where do we purchase those trees to be planted?

Check out this article to answer all your questions about EcoSend's tree-planting partnership with Treeapp!

Calculating Emails & Trees

Absorbing the carbon emissions of our clients' email campaigns is a crucial part of our mission to be a climate-conscious software provider.

At EcoSend, we plant trees for every subscription tier across our clients base.

Each subscription tier offers a maximum number of emails to send per month. We therefore calculated the maximum number of emails a client could send per month, and the amount of carbon that maximum monthly email-send could emit.

We then assign a number of trees to be planted each month for each of our clients, in order to comfortably absorb their maximum amount of carbon.

We based this calculation on the established estimation that each tree absorbs 10kg of carbon per year.

Put simply, the more emails you send, the more trees we plant! 🌳💚

Our Partnership with Treeapp

So that's how we calculate your tree-planting, but where do your trees actually end up?

This is where our partnership with Treeapp comes in.

Treeapp is a certified BCorp and global tree planting organization operating reforestation sites across the world, 

Treeapp partner with local planting projects, such as Eden Reforestation Projects, Green Ethiopia, and CEPAN. 

By coordinating with these projects working on the ground, Treeapp ensures accurate and correct monitoring across the sites.

We chose Treeapp as our partner due to their established credentials and features such as:

🌳 Government agreements as well as local community / NGO agreements that tree areas must be preserved for 15-30 years

🌳 Satellite imagery of sites provided to show growth over time

🌳 Additional stats provided such as land reforested, communities benefited, species rehoused etc.

Every time your subscription month renews, the EcoSend API automatically purchases for the relevant number of trees to be planted in Treeapp's projects.

You can view how many trees have been planted for your project by heading to the Setup Guide area of your EcoSend platform.

This means you can rest assured that no matter how many emails you send with EcoSend, the carbon footprint of those campaigns will be comfortably offset by our tree-planting partners.


Treeapp also partner with Restor.eco, who provide satellite imagery and additional detail across the sites which Treeapp manage.

Check out all the sites managed by Treeapp from Restor's partner page here.

Click into some of the sites, and you'll exactly where, how, and which species of trees are being planted for you!

Within each of the projects you can view Satellite imagery of the forest-cover changes over time, details on local Biodiversity, and data across water, carbon, and land coverage levels.

For example - Treeapp partner with Eden Reforestation Projects to manage mangrove sites on Biak Island in Indonesia; a country which has lost over 40% of its mangrove cover.

Check out a full breakdown of progress at the site here.

We hope you are as excited as we are to be working with Treeapp and their partners & projects across the world! 🌳💚