Connect EcoSend with Zapier

Explore thousands of opportunities, via our Zapier integration!


  • Connect EcoSend with thousands of other platforms and apps, via our Zapier integration.

  • Our integration supports both 'Triggers' and 'Actions' for your Zaps.

Zapier opens up a world of possibilities via its connection to thousands of other platforms.

Typical use-cases involve either using entry to an EcoSend Smart Group as the Trigger to another app, or using another platform as the setup for an Action in EcoSend.

Examples of using EcoSend as a Trigger:
✅ Triggering a 'New Contact' Smart Group to create a new Lead in your CRM
✅ Connecting a Newsletter Form Smart Group to send new contacts into another database
✅ Syncing an EcoSend membership list to update user Subscription status in another app

Examples of setting an Action into EcoSend:
✅ Connecting your membership platform to create or update a new profile in EcoSend
✅ Updating the subscriptions status of EcoSend profiles
✅ Tracking specific Events onto EcoSend profiles, such as White-papers downloaded

Check out our detailed walkthrough showing you all the steps, from the video below 👇