We’re excited to announce that EcoSend is bringing an additional tree planting partner into our ecosystem, as we’ve now joined forces with Tree-Nation.
As an existing EcoSend customer, we wanted to explain more about how we are working with Tree-Nation, plus the benefits it will have for you as well as the planet.
If you’re new to EcoSend, then you might also be curious to learn how sending emails can result in trees getting planted across the world!
Our Tree Planting Efforts 🧑🌾

Alongside our existing partnership with TreeApp, we also now plant trees through Tree-Nation.
Since EcoSend was founded in 2023, tree planting has always been a major perk of using EcoSend.
We’re hoping that by working with Tree-Nation, the impact of our tree planting efforts can be even greater—with your help of course!
At the time of writing, our total tree count stands at over 11,500 trees! To see the latest count, head over to our About page.
EcoSend Customers - What This Means For You

As an EcoSend customer, we know that getting to plant trees just by sending emails is a really cool feature of our platform. By teaming up with Tree-Nation, we're confident this will make your experience even better.
Specifically, we know that keeping up with your personal tree count including for environmental impact reporting (i.e. ESG reports) is crucial.
What’s great about Tree-Nation is that the platform has excellent visibility across the types of species planted and information about the tree planting sites. We have also introduced a direct link to the live stats page within your account so you can see your positive impact in real time.
Also, you can see the progress you’re having collectively with other EcoSend customers by viewing the EcoSend Forest.
Wait, I’m Not An EcoSend Customer—How Can I Plant Trees By Sending Emails? ✉️ 🌳
If you do any kind of email marketing and you care about the planet, then it makes sense to switch your email platform over to EcoSend.
As you may have read above, when you use EcoSend we’ll plant trees on behalf of your business. With cool partnerships like Tree-Nation, you’ll get to see your tree planting impact which you can then use to inform your sustainability efforts, plus share with your customers too!
That’s not all. The major environmental advantage of EcoSend is that we run our servers on renewable energy sources to lower the carbon footprint of your campaigns.
With plans to suit all list sizes, we hope you’ll join us!
Do you have any questions about EcoSend? Feel free to drop us a message and we’ll be in touch shortly.