9 Effective Strategies For Winning Customers Through Email

27 Oct 2023

Are you using email to its potential?

If so, email should be a high driver of web traffic and sales to your business. 📈 💰

What every email success story needs is a campaign strategy that works.

But don’t worry if you need a little help getting started with email marketing, or even fine-tuning your existing strategy, because the EcoSend team is here to help!

So that you can gain maximum success through every campaign, here are 9 strategies every email marketer can use to win customers. 

First: Take Email Seriously As A Driver Of Revenue & Growth 

Email is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing there is, having been invented in the 1970s. However, the problem with consistency is that we take it for granted.

In the case of email marketing, it’s so easy to overlook its potential, especially in the age of AI.

In reality, ignoring email is a huge mistake. Why?

  • Email has over 4 billion users and numbers are growing each year

  • The average ROI of email is $42 for every $1 spent

  • 92% of online adults use email daily

  • Users check their emails an average of 15 times a day

  • 90% of businesses say that email is important to their company’s overall success. 

Best of all? Anyone can learn how to do email marketing!

With endless tutorials available, it doesn’t take long to get up and running, or even grow your knowledge to maximise your success. 

So if you thought email was irrelevant - think again!

Never Stop Growing Your Email List 

So you want to make sales happen through email? In that case, you’ll want to make sure that a steady stream of new subscribers are being added to your email list. 

In short, don’t be shy with your subscriber form! 

Place your form in a prominent place on your website. It’s also a good idea to add a subscriber form in your footer or at the end of blog posts. Page speed permitting, you can also create a pop-up to collect email signups. Often this is done in conjunction with an offer such as giving 10% off for new subscribers.

Keep an eye on subscriber counts. If you aren’t getting many new email subscribers, it’s time to adjust your website to make your form more prominent. Plus ensure that your form has an attractive CTA to make users want to sign up. 

💡Top tip: Use EcoSend Forms to capture new sign-ups on your website.

Email Marketing Automation 

An email marketing automation platform such as EcoSend makes email marketing a breeze.

As the name suggests, automation takes the hassle out of your campaigns. In just a couple of clicks, you can send relevant campaigns to users based on different behaviours.

Use your email marketing tool to automatically send a number of email campaign types such as:

  • Abandoned cart emails

  • Churn prevention campaigns

  • Drip campaigns

  • Event reminders

  • Lead nurturing campaigns

  • Milestone emails

  • Product feedback and surveys

  • Purchase follow-ups

  • Subscription renewal reminders 

  • Welcome emails

Each of the above stages gives you a golden opportunity to engage with your customers and make the best impression through email. 

Quality Over Quantity Messaging

Editor's note: Upon reflection, I definitely think my choice of email subscriptions is why this diet isn't working. 🍫 😬

We know how tempting it is to want to send constant messages to your subscribers. However, research shows that segmentation rather than send-to-all actually drives better results for email marketers. 

Over communicating with your audience means that with every new message, the effectiveness drops. This is common with marketers who send emails daily, and even multiple times a day. 

Instead, the trick is to send tailored campaigns, which focus on relevancy and quality for the user. 

Adopting the less is more approach means you can spend less time emailing and more time enjoying the results. Yes really! 

Craft A Unique Brand Voice 

If we’re talking about effective sales strategies to win customers through email, your business can’t be a cookie cutter of what everyone else is doing.

Namely, using the same subject lines and email formats. Showing a lack of personalisation in terms of messages or campaigns. Even using email marketing just because everyone else does. 

When email marketers craft their own brand voice, and look to push the boundaries of email, they stand out for all the right reasons. In contrast, when every email looks the same, we’re more likely to select all and delete just to clear out our mailboxes.

So when it comes to how you approach email marketing, definitely look to lead rather than follow. 

Create An Email Newsletter

Email newsletters are a great way to keep your subscribers engaged.

Sending a weekly, monthly or quarterly newsletter feels more curated rather than a typical email campaign. To subscribers, newsletters come across as a campaign with more effort involved, rather than a quick sales email. 

You’re interested in winning new customers, so these are some ideas for your newsletter to do just that: 

  • Behind-the-scenes content

  • CEO personal insights

  • Company news and updates

  • Educational guides

  • Event invitations 

  • Exclusive subscriber discounts

  • Interactive content

  • Interviews

  • Latest blog posts

  • Product spotlights

  • Seasonal content

Consider what your subscribers expected when they signed up. By including the most relevant content based on their needs, your newsletter has a much better chance of bringing in those sales. 

While you’re here, we’d really appreciate it if you’d sign up for the EcoSend Newsletter

Try Interactive Email Formats

Our next tip for winning customers through email is to get with the times by using interactive content within your campaigns.

Interactive emails switch up on-sided communication for something a little more engaging. There are endless features which involve your subscribers, so that they can actually do something within the email rather than just read it.

Some examples of interactive content to try in your name email campaign include: 

  • Accordions

  • Add to cart functionality

  • Calculator widgets

  • Countdown timers

  • Gamification

  • Hamburger menus

  • Hover effects

  • Image carousels

  • Interactive hotspots

  • Offer reveals

  • Polls

  • Quizzes

  • Search bar entries

  • Videos

Email marketers who switch to the future through interactive content will be well rewarded. That’s because research by Martech Advisor found that “interactive email content increases the rate of click-to-open by 73%.”

So, when it comes to generating more sales for your business through email, having an increase in web traffic directly from your campaigns is one way to make that happen.

Always Announce New Products Or Services Through Email 

Every time you launch something of interest, is someone on your team ensuring it gets announced to your email subscribers?

It seems like a simple point to highlight. But in reality, it’s easy to assume that just because you know that something cool is happening within your business that everyone else does too.

In reality, not all customers will see your social media posts or even your videos. But if you’re sending them an email about the launch, the message will land in their inboxes meaning at the very least, they’ll see the product title in the subject line.

Sometimes the answer to successful marketing isn’t trying to get all complex, rather taking care of the basics and doing so to the best of your ability. So remember to focus on email first the next time you’re launching anything new! 

Pay Attention To Your Email Landing Page 

There’s a key tip with PPC campaigns that also apply for email campaigns. That is, to ensure the link you include sends users to a well executed landing page. 

In short, your email landing page should feel helpful and relevant based on the content of the email, while also providing an excellent user experience.

It’s so easy to forget this last step. But unless you have a (working!) and effective email landing page, all of that effort to drive clicks and conversions will go to waste.

So definitely don't fall at the last hurdle!

EcoSend - Grab Your Free Trial Of Our Email Marketing Platform

Now you know how to best engage your email subscribers so that they are more likely to purchase and become loyal customers - all that’s left is to get the right email platform by your side.

We know there’s lots of choice in the email space. But with EcoSend, we’re looking to be different for all the right reasons!

EcoSend is packed full of features to help you send better campaigns. Our systems run on renewable energy sources to help lower the carbon emissions of your digital marketing efforts. So give us a try!

✉️ ➡️ Sign up for your free trial of EcoSend to get started.

Need any help or have any questions about EcoSend? Drop us a message and we’ll be right with you. 

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

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Get the EcoSend Weekly newsletter — inspiration, helpful tips, and a good giggle, every Friday.

Grow your business sustainably

Get the EcoSend Weekly newsletter — inspiration, helpful tips, and a good giggle, every Friday.

The email marketing platform for better business

Win new customers, send better email, and make the planet better with every campaign.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API

The email marketing platform for better business

Win new customers, send better email, and make the planet better with every campaign.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API