The simple change businesses can make to cut carbon emissions today

It may not be the biggest, but even your digital marketing has a carbon footprint

22 Nov 2022

When it comes to solving climate change as a business, it can be difficult to know where to start. 

While mammoth efforts to reduce carbon consumption are noble feats to aim for, sometimes they aren’t so easy to achieve. As a business, ignoring the issue may seem like the only other solution, when all this does is create a bigger problem. 

But what if there was an easy switch your business could make today, that could instantly cut its carbon emissions? A solution that applies to all businesses, regardless of the age, size or even niche of that business? 

Allow us to enlighten you.

Your Digital Marketing Has A Carbon Footprint And You Don’t Even Know It

There isn’t a business in existence that hasn’t sent at least one email to customers, suppliers or even internally to its staff. The average actually stands at 300 billion emails sent per day across the globe, according to various sources. 

What most people don’t realise is that digital marketing has a carbon footprint and email marketing is no exception. Research by the BBC found that a typical email generates between 4g and 50g of carbon emissions, depending on its size. 

Once you tally up those 300 billion emails sent daily – that sure is a lot of carbon. 

Here’s the thing. It’s not feasible to stop sending emails altogether. But what is possible is to switch from email marketing tools such as HubSpot, Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign or even regular Gmail (if you’re old school like that) to a greener alternative instead. 

EcoSend by GoSquared is that solution, and here is why. 

No, Your Business Won’t Lose Out For Switching To A More Sustainable Marketing Platform

EcoSend by GoSquared sustainable email marketing platform

It’s okay to say it. Often there’s hesitation in switching to a better alternative for any cause, due to the misconception it means losing out as a result. 

But not with EcoSend by GoSquared. Since 2006, we’ve provided an email marketing tool to businesses across the globe in the form of GoSquared Engage.

EcoSend is equally packed full of features to help you send smarter email campaigns, measure the success of those campaigns and ultimately grow your business. 

EcoSend Tools 🛠

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Behaviour Based Triggers

  • Campaign Tracking

  • Click Through Metrics

  • Drip Sequences

  • Email Forms

  • Email Reports

  • HTML Email Builder

  • Import Templates

  • In-App Messaging

  • Integrate With Existing Tools

  • Lead Capture Integrations

  • Live Translate

  • Open Rate Metrics

  • Playbooks

  • Real-Time Variables

  • Segmentation

  • Send Test Previews

  • Subject Line Ideas

  • Unsubscribe Metrics

  • Website Prompts.

…and so much more! 

The key difference with EcoSend versus other email marketing platforms is that by sending your email campaigns through us, your carbon emissions will be vastly reduced, if not completely eliminated. 

We’ve achieved this feat by using renewable energy sources, planting trees to offset as much carbon as possible, and we’re reinvesting our profits into climate-related causes. 

We’ll also give you certification so that your email recipients know you’re doing your bit to clean up your act. We’re continuing to invest in our technology, and we’re also working with other businesses to ensure we’re doing everything we can to lower our carbon emissions. 

Cut Your Carbon Emissions Today With EcoSend By GoSquared

EcoSend by GoSquared

Switch to EcoSend by GoSquared today and cut your carbon emissions that are being produced due to your email marketing. With billions of emails sent per day, it’s time to make sure the only thing your business is sending out into the world is great marketing campaigns, rather than yet more carbon emissions. 

We’ll even plant a tree just for creating an account or signing up for our newsletter. Name another email marketing provider who would do the same? 

It’s okay we’ll wait. Although sadly the planet won’t, which is why now is the time to switch to a sustainable email marketing platform, so that we can create as much positive impact as possible. 

Have any questions about EcoSend, including how it can help your business reach its email marketing goals? 

Or want to learn more about the efforts we’ve taken to build a sustainable marketing tool? We’re all ears. Get in touch and we’ll be right with you. 

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

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Grow your business sustainably

Get the EcoSend Weekly newsletter — inspiration, helpful tips, and a good giggle, every Friday.

The email marketing platform for better business

Win new customers, send better email, and make the planet better with every campaign.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API

The email marketing platform for better business

Win new customers, send better email, and make the planet better with every campaign.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API