How Can Email Marketing Help Your Business?

9 Jun 2023

What do most of us do first thing in the morning when we open up our computers? 

We check our email! ✉️ 👀

So it’s no wonder that email marketing works, seen as most of us use email on a daily basis. 

There comes a point where every business realises it’s time to start email marketing. Or that improvements are needed to boost email ROI.

Here at EcoSend, we want every business to succeed with email marketing.

So here’s why email is worth the effort, along with our top growth strategies to try. 

Email Marketing Stats For 2023

  • 347.3 billion emails are sent every day - Demand Sage

  • Email marketing has an average ROI of $40 for every $1 spent - Oberlo

  • 77% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months - HubSpot 

  • 4.3 billion people use email in 2023 - Statista 

  • Global revenue of email is predicted to jump to $17.9 billion by 2025 - Statista

  • The average unsubscribe rate for email in 2022 was just 0.1% - Campaign Monitor 

  • 89% of marketers use email as a primary method to generate leads - MailGen

Build Customer Lists

In the old days, businesses used to use a rolodex to store customer information. 

Now we do most things online, your business needs a modern (and secure!) way of storing user data. Once you have this, you can create a customer database to be able to send out email marketing campaigns.

What can you do with an email list? You can send email newsletters about new products and promotions. Plus, ensure your customers remain engaged with your brand overall, by staying in regular contact with them. 

As noted above, email marketing offers up a typical ROI of $40 for every $1 spent. Just imagine the potential this poses for your business, if you just give email a try. 

Best of all, it doesn’t matter what the niche of your business is - it too can generate a profit from email. 

Drive Sales

Everyone on your email subscriber list has agreed to hear from you. So what that effectively means is that you’ll be sending out your marketing campaigns directly to those familiar with and interested in your business.

Whether you want to advertise a sale, a new product launch or anything else exciting, with email you’ll have a captive audience. 

Compare this method with billboard advertising. Or any other form of marketing. You may be paying to create campaigns that don’t reach the right audience. 

But with email, the exact list of people who are more likely to purchase from you is right there on a list which you own!

You can also experiment with different formats such as creative templates, and even our AI Subject Line Generator which can all help drive sales.  

Provide Customer Engagement 

Customer engagement isn’t the same as customer service. 

Instead, customer engagement provides a concierge-like experience for your customers. It gets to know their wants and needs. Use this data to market the products and services that your customers are most likely to be interested in via email. 

Say you have a SaaS product. Maybe your customer would be interested in add-ons or tier upgrades. You can send them email campaigns which encourage this.

Or if they are a churn risk - why not send them a re-engagement email campaign to get them back in the fold?

Ultimately, email provides endless opportunities for customer engagement that no business can afford to miss out on. 

Lower Your Business’s Carbon Footprint

This one might just surprise you.

Did you know that email has a carbon footprint? With over 300 billion emails sent per day, and every email generating as much as 50g of carbon, that soon adds up. This is especially the case when you consider the carbon footprint of your business as a whole. 

Switching to a sustainable email platform such as EcoSend can instantly make your business greener.

Best of all? You’ll still benefit from all the tools you need to send winning email campaigns that drive traffic, engagement and profit for your business. 

We also think your customers will be intrigued by your new green email initiative too!

With sustainability becoming an increasingly important factor in how we all do business - today’s the day to make the Switch to EcoSend. 

Make The Most Of Your Landing Pages

The amount of effort it takes to get someone onto your website is immense. 

So the worst thing you can do is let people leave, without so much as encouraging them to subscribe to your newsletter. You might even want to throw in an incentive such as a discount on your products for doing so.

Even if only a small percentage of users subscribe - every single email subscriber you land could be your next paying customer

Place an email subscribe box in your website footer and blog. Aim for a steady stream of new subscribers, so that you can keep in touch with everyone who was interested enough in your business to visit your website. 

Email Can Show Your Human Side

In this world of AI, it’s easy to forget that email is always a human speaking to another human.

Email gives you the opportunity to connect with your subscribers on a personal level. 

During Covid-19, we saw this a lot when CEOs would send out emails to reassure customers or explain how things would work differently.

But there’s also no reason why you can’t use email to share other personal insights to build genuine connections with your subscribers. 

Maybe you’ve built a product you’re super proud of. Or want to introduce a new member of your team. Emails can give that personal touch which makes your brand more than just another email in an inbox.

EcoSend - Sustainable Email Marketing Is Only A Click Away! 

Email marketing can do more than generate a profit for your business - with EcoSend it can also lower the carbon footprint of your business too.

With paid plans starting at just $49 per month, we have an EcoSend plan to suit every business.

Why not sign up for your free trial of EcoSend today to see what we’re all about?

Or if you have any questions please drop us a line.

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

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The email marketing platform for better business

Win new customers, send better email, and make the planet better with every campaign.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API

The email marketing platform for better business

Win new customers, send better email, and make the planet better with every campaign.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API