
Find out how Fruitmarket migrated from mailchimp, and kept their unsubscribe rate at 0.36%!


Find out how Fruitmarket migrated from mailchimp, and kept their unsubscribe rate at 0.36%!


Find out how Fruitmarket migrated from mailchimp, and kept their unsubscribe rate at 0.36%!

About the customer

A free, public space for culture in the heart of Edinburgh, Fruitmarket provides inspiration and opportunity for artists and audiences.

Fruitmarket programmes, develops and presents world-class exhibitions, commissions, publications, performances, events and engagement activities, opening up the artistic process. Creativity makes space for meaning, and they create a welcoming space for people to think with contemporary art and culture in ways that are helpful to them – for free.

We were intrigued by EcoSend’s stance towards digital sustainability, but we couldn’t have moved from mailchimp unless EcoSend could match our requirements for email design. During the trial period, we were pleased to see it could, and so we pushed live to make the switch.

Louise Warmington

Head of Communications at Fruitmarket

We were intrigued by EcoSend’s stance towards digital sustainability, but we couldn’t have moved from mailchimp unless EcoSend could match our requirements for email design. During the trial period, we were pleased to see it could, and so we pushed live to make the switch.

Louise Warmington

Head of Communications at Fruitmarket

We were intrigued by EcoSend’s stance towards digital sustainability, but we couldn’t have moved from mailchimp unless EcoSend could match our requirements for email design. During the trial period, we were pleased to see it could, and so we pushed live to make the switch.

Louise Warmington

Head of Communications at Fruitmarket

The challenge

Fruitmarket first came across EcoSend via recommendation from another Edinburgh-based business.

At the time, Fruitmarket’s Marketing team were using Intuit mailchimp as their platform to send out newsletters across their large contact base.

Realising that EcoSend aligned better with their values & mission, Fruitmarket reached out for a demo with the EcoSend team.

During the demo and trial period, the Fruitmarket team took a deep-dive into EcoSend’s email design capabilities, to ensure it could meet their standards.

Satisfied with their test campaigns, Fruitmarket made the full switch over to EcoSend!


To kick-off their migration, Fruimarket deployed EcoSend’s dedicated mailchimp Importer to migrate their contacts, as well as all relevant tags, into EcoSend.

This importer tool allows Fruitmarket to segment their large audience into smaller groups.

The Marketing team at Fruitmarket use EcoSend’s drag & drop no-code email builder to craft their Newsletters.

These Newsletters announce upcoming exhibitions and events at the Fruitmarket, to build up interest, and drive bookings for events. With the need to produce image led newsletters, EcoSend’s Image Library, enables the newsletters to incorporate high quality visuals and showcase the variety of artwork on-show.

Newsletters templates can also be easily duplicated in EcoSend, enabling the Fruitmarket team to send out a series of campaigns in both the run-up to, and opening-period of exhibitions and events.

We’ve been pleased with the visible metrics from our EcoSend campaigns so far. From viewing our Insights dashboard, I can see our first campaigns have held a low unsubscribe rate, averaging at 0.36%. This is a vital metric to maintain, as we look to grow the Fruitmarket audience.

Louise Warmington

Head of Communications at Fruitmarket

We’ve been pleased with the visible metrics from our EcoSend campaigns so far. From viewing our Insights dashboard, I can see our first campaigns have held a low unsubscribe rate, averaging at 0.36%. This is a vital metric to maintain, as we look to grow the Fruitmarket audience.

Louise Warmington

Head of Communications at Fruitmarket

We’ve been pleased with the visible metrics from our EcoSend campaigns so far. From viewing our Insights dashboard, I can see our first campaigns have held a low unsubscribe rate, averaging at 0.36%. This is a vital metric to maintain, as we look to grow the Fruitmarket audience.

Louise Warmington

Head of Communications at Fruitmarket

Ready to make a difference?

We'll help you at every step, and get your forest started.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API

Ready to make a difference?

We'll help you at every step, and get your forest started.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API

Ready to make a difference?

We'll help you at every step, and get your forest started.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API