How Salanga offset over 100kg of carbon in just two months

Since switching to EcoSend, Salanga have seen an uptick in successful new-user onboarding and engagement.

How Salanga offset over 100kg of carbon in just two months

Since switching to EcoSend, Salanga have seen an uptick in successful new-user onboarding and engagement.

How Salanga offset over 100kg of carbon in just two months

Since switching to EcoSend, Salanga have seen an uptick in successful new-user onboarding and engagement.

About the customer

Salanga is a values-driven for-profit organization operating on social enterprise principles, providing capacity building, advisory, technical expertise and tools to non-profit, academic and public sector organizations and institutions.

Their platform, Kinaki, helps organizations unlock their monitoring and evaluation potential.

With Kinaki organizations can centralize all their monitoring and evaluation needs, from data collection to reporting. NGOs, foundations, government institutions and donors of all sizes use Kinaki to streamline their processes with this powerful platform.

Salanga became aware of GoSquared when searching for a supplier for engaging with and monitoring their user-base.

After learning more about GoSquared’s latest release; EcoSend, Salanga wanted to explore the feasibility of moving their email sending onto the EcoSend platform. They saw this as an exciting opportunity to work with a platform aligned with their own mission and values.


“Having already successfully built our workflows into the platform, we were delighted to make the full switch to EcoSend.

As a company operating in the NGO and non-profit space, choosing SaaS platforms who align with our mission & values is a priority.

We are delighted to now be offsetting our email carbon-emissions through our partnership with EcoSend.”

Christina Masching

Christina Masching

Partnership Director

“Having already successfully built our workflows into the platform, we were delighted to make the full switch to EcoSend.

As a company operating in the NGO and non-profit space, choosing SaaS platforms who align with our mission & values is a priority.

We are delighted to now be offsetting our email carbon-emissions through our partnership with EcoSend.”

Christina Masching

Christina Masching

Partnership Director

“Having already successfully built our workflows into the platform, we were delighted to make the full switch to EcoSend.

As a company operating in the NGO and non-profit space, choosing SaaS platforms who align with our mission & values is a priority.

We are delighted to now be offsetting our email carbon-emissions through our partnership with EcoSend.”

Christina Masching

Christina Masching

Partnership Director

The challenge

In order to enhance their engagement with users and email tools, Salanga needed a platform that could upgrade their existing workflow and deliver on the following key business objectives:

  1. Onboard new users into the Kinaki App through in-app and email guidance.

  2. Reach out with personalised 1-2-1 messaging to targeted segments of their users.

  3. Run conversion Sequences to up-sell free tier users onto premium plans


The Salanga team use EcoSend Contacts to intelligently segment their user-base according to subscription levels and engagement with the app; using this information to monitor and report on user activity levels.

Salanga deploy EcoSend’s real-time Sequences to automatically deliver a series of in-app and email messages during their sign-ups’ first week. These messages guide users as they navigate the app for the first time; signposting to key areas of the Kinaki platform Knowledge Hub.

Salanga also use targeted Broadcast messages to reach out personally to high-value sign-ups, and invite them onto Discovery Calls.

All emails sent across the Kinaki platform are automatically offset by EcoSend’s carbon offsetting program and partnership with Tree nation.

This resulted in planting trees with a lifetime carbon offset of 100kg, in just two months of using the EcoSend platform.

Through the implementation of Onboarding Sequences, Salanga have sped up the time required for new users to become familiar with the Kinaki app and activate key features.

Since deploying EcoSend messaging, Salanga have seen an uptick in new users completing their key activation feature; adding their first project into the Kinaki app.

Salanga have successfully introduced Upsell Messaging to target free-plan users and increase conversion of free tier users onto premium plans, as well as increasing the number of Discovery Call bookings thanks to targeted EcoSend Broadcasts.

”Not only has EcoSend been rewarding to use from a climate perspective, it’s also helped us engage more meaningfully with our users and improve our onboarding process with smarter segmentation and more sophisticated automation flows.”

Christina Masching

Christina Masching

Partnership Director

”Not only has EcoSend been rewarding to use from a climate perspective, it’s also helped us engage more meaningfully with our users and improve our onboarding process with smarter segmentation and more sophisticated automation flows.”

Christina Masching

Christina Masching

Partnership Director

”Not only has EcoSend been rewarding to use from a climate perspective, it’s also helped us engage more meaningfully with our users and improve our onboarding process with smarter segmentation and more sophisticated automation flows.”

Christina Masching

Christina Masching

Partnership Director

Ready to make a difference?

We'll help you at every step, and get your forest started.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API

Ready to make a difference?

We'll help you at every step, and get your forest started.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API

Ready to make a difference?

We'll help you at every step, and get your forest started.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API