Create Email Templates with EcoSend Saved Blocks

Save and re-use your email templates anywhere across EcoSend!


  • Save time and effortlessly re-create your email template across all areas of the platform, with EcoSend's Saved Blocks feature!

High quality design and consistent branding are core elements of successful email campaigns.

It's important to keep your design and branding consistent across all your communications, whether they be Newsletters, Welcome emails, Nurture Sequences etc.

This keeps your audience familiar and engaged with your brand.

🥱 But it would be hugely time-consuming to re-create your email structure and design every time you want to start a new campaign...

🥰 Luckily, with EcoSend's Saved Blocks, you can save and re-create your email templates across all messaging-areas of the platform.

🏗️ Simply save each section of the Email; header, footer, and email content, as Saved Blocks. Then drag & drop the blocks into your next email campaign, edit the content and images as you would normally.

🎨 And hey presto - your new campaign is ready to go! All decked out with your standardised branding and design.

In this video walkthrough, join our CS Lead Chris, as he shows you exactly how to save and recreate email templates in the EcoSend platform, using our Saved Blocks feature: