Integrate your data
Track user data in real-time and update properties via the EcoSend API.
If your platform or app has a way of identifying users, such as a user login system, install the EcoSend 'Identify Snippet' to track user activity and update user profiles in real-time.
With the EcoSend API you can:
Send through custom property and event data
Stitch visitor activity onto their user profile in EcoSend 'Contacts'
Update user Status in real-time
Monitor activity and engagement across your entire user-base
Intelligently segment users according to characteristics and/or activity

Installing the EcoSend Tracking Snippets
Step 1️⃣ - Frontend Tracking
The first step is to install the EcoSend pageview tracking code. This is a simple installation process of copying a pre-defined code and pasting it within the header tags of your site.
You can find the code for your project by heading to Current Project > General > Code Snippet

Installing the EcoSend Tracking Snippets
Step 2️⃣ - Identifying Users
Calling the identify function creates or updates a profile in your Contacts section.
You can pass back as many different properties about that user as you like.
A cookie is also set that tracks the user's pageviews/events against their profile.
An email
address or unique ID is needed to identify a user.In addition to identifying your logged-in users, you can track up to 1000 custom properties onto your user profiles. In other platforms these are often referred to as 'tags'.
Common use-cases for custom properties include:
Subscription status
Free trial status
Agency group
Number of assets
Subscribed to newsletter

Installing the EcoSend Tracking Snippets
Step 3️⃣ - Tracking Events

You should also consider tracking key events, such as important activation points in your user's onboarding journey.
User actions, application errors, state transitions, and activity of all kinds can be tracked as an event.
Common actions our clients track as custom events include:
Profile picture uploaded
Content viewed
Comment created
Whitepaper downloaded