Lead Enrichment via Zapier
Add Company Details to your Contacts Automatically, via Zapier's Lead Score!
Use Zapier's Lead Score function to add key company information to your profiles in EcoSend, including:
Person First & Last Name
Company Name
Company Size
Company Industry
To set-up Zapier's contact enrichment feature, log-into Zapier and create a new Zap.
You'll need to set EcoSend's 'Contact entered Smart Group' feature as the Trigger.

Next, select the relevant Smart Group from the dropdown. We'd usually suggested using a group of latest / new contacts.

Once you have successfully tested and set-up the Trigger step, create the first Action and search Lead Score by Zapier within the search bar.
Then select the Action event to find and enrich both Person and Company data.

You'll need to use the EcoSend email property within the Email property box, to ensure EcoSend profiles are sourced via their email ID.

The next step is to create a second Action, using EcoSend again, and the option to Create or Update a Profile.

Within this step, select which properties you would like to enrich with data via Zapier. We usually recommend the following key properties:
Person First Name & Last Name
Company Name
Company Size
Company Industry

And it's as simple as that! Once you have filled out the relevant properties to be enriched, continue and publish the Zap to go live 🚀
Your enriched data will henceforth appear on users' profiles, with the Person & Company Name appearing on the left-hand side, and other Company information appearing on the right, as per the example below: