Corporate social responsibility (CSR) done right

Welcome to episode one of the EcoSend Podcast, with Chris Walkling!

9 Nov 2022

Podcast studio with plants in the background
Podcast studio with plants in the background

EcoSend Podcast Episode 1 entitled ‘CSR Done Right’ is now live on all major streaming platforms. Scroll to the end of this post to start listening now. 

As you may be aware, we’ve recently launched our EcoSend by GoSquared email marketing platform, offering businesses a sustainable way of marketing their products and services.

Our EcoSend podcast aims to shine a light on some of the bigger issues that initially inspired EcoSend. Plus how we can all make a difference to create a better world even on a smaller scale. 

So what can you expect if you tune into our first steps into the world of podcasting? We’re getting into all things CSR, with Chris who is our Customer Success Lead here at GoSquared

What Is CSR?

CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. For Chris, CSR means ensuring companies including ourselves here at GoSquared are doing more than just making a profit. Instead, we want to leave a positive legacy on the world around us. 

Something we’re increasingly becoming aware of is ‘what is our focus?’ Beyond progress and profits, we want to know more about the wider impact of companies big and small. From that, we want to know how this impact can benefit others. Also, how we then tackle some of the bigger issues such as climate change that we all have a responsibility to solve. 

Ultimately, CSR asks what companies stand for along with their net effect on the world. It calls for words to turn into action.

Chris – Why Does CSR Matter To You?

It’s easy for all of us to rock up and do our jobs every day. So why would Chris (or anyone), want to do more than this, to consider our wider impact on the world and how we can make a positive difference?

For Chris, his passion for CSR stems from personal interest. Having previously worked as a mental health support worker, Chris was keen not to leave everything he had experienced and ultimately learned behind in his migration to the world of tech. CSR offered that solution for Chris, as he could use his new platform for the greater good. 

Better still, with CSR, focusing on good causes isn’t something limited to outside of working hours, or even small snippets of the working week. It can be fused into everything we do as a business, and the rewards can be felt on a smaller, as well as much bigger scale as we learn more about how we can have the greatest impact. 

Take our recent litter picking around London as one such example, or our upcoming volunteering session at a local food bank. We’re all onboard and involved, and this is the exact ethos of CSR. 

Tell Us More About That Litter Picking Day – Shouldn’t You Have Been Working Instead?

When everyone downed tools (including our CEO James Gill) and headed out onto the streets of London armed with grabby sticks and plastic bags, ready to remove all matter of waste from our Capital’s pavements, we got a mixed reception.

Some people assumed we were fresh out of jail doing community service. Some walked on by without paying attention. We’re sure many people may not have cared less. But thankfully, there were people who after we explained we were out to do some good, were incredibly impressed with us. 

But here’s the thing. Spending time doing good instead of working may seem like an alien concept, but it’s how all of us inspire positive change, especially as companies. 

Sure, we could have tried a ‘team building exercise’ in the woods. Or attended a corporate event where we watch a few slideshows and politely clap at the end. 

However, bringing it back to the idea of CSR being about where you focus your attention as a company, restricting team activities to those which generate profit once again focuses internally instead of externally. 

So while most days are a work day, any opportunity we have to make a difference for us is well worth the effort. It’s also how we differentiate ourselves as a company. 

For Companies, The Rewards Of CSR Must Be Incentifying Rather Than Gamifying 

How easy is it for companies to create badges to add to a website? Or to be shown a gimmicky graphic after achieving certain milestones with a brand? It’s something we see all the time as consumers purchasing products, or even as businesses doing business with other businesses. Though, is the gamifying approach something anyone cares about? What does it even mean in real terms?

As part of our CSR efforts, Chris and James question whether incentifying offers a much better solution that is more likely to achieve real impact. 

We’re keen to hear your thoughts on this one. What would encourage you to focus more on causes outside of your business’s profits or progress? How can we best measure and share success?

The conversation is just getting started over on the EcoSend podcast, Episode 1! 

Where To Find The EcoSend Podcast

Listen to Episode 1 of the EcoSend podcast in full on one of the above streaming platforms. We’d really appreciate it if you would share it with your network, or send us a Tweet to tell us what you thought. 

EcoSend By GoSquared – The Sustainable Email Marketing Platform

EcoSend by GoSquared

Want to ensure your company focus is aligning with the right causes? There’s no better place to start than by switching your email marketing platform over to EcoSend. 

Most people don’t realise that email marketing generates carbon emissions – around 4g to 50g of carbon per email according to the BBC

With over 300 billion emails sent per day, it’s not possible to stop sending emails. Plus, compared with chopping down trees, email is still a greener alternative. But it’s clear a solution is needed to reduce the carbon footprint of email marketing. 

EcoSend removes more carbon than it emits through the use of renewable energy sources and the trees we’ve already started planting on behalf of our clients. Sign up for our waitlist today to join this list, and we’ll even plant a tree just for doing so! 

Or if you have any questions about EcoSend, including how it can help your company achieve its goals while reducing its impact on the environment, reach out to our team to chat further with us. 

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

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