5 ways to make your office more sustainable

Why it might be easier than you think to become a more climate conscious business

5 Jan 2023

A sustainable office space is one which can continue to operate without depleting the earth of natural resources wherever possible. 

It’s not always easy to know where to start when it comes to making a building more sustainable. But, these following 5 tips demonstrate it’s easier than you think to make a huge difference, whether you make small or big changes.

Plus, having a sustainable office is better for your company as a whole, meaning there are endless wins to be had just by adopting a greener approach.

So here are some simple ways you can make an instant environment impact within your office space specifically. 

Switch To A Green Energy Provider

Green energy provider

Energy bills have been in the news recently for all the wrong reasons. But did you know that not all energy providers are created equal?

Specifically, some are known as ‘green energy providers’, meaning they get their energy supply from zero-carbon sources. In addition, they use tactics such as paperless billing to reduce as much carbon as possible. 

If your home or company uses any of the standard energy providers, the chances are you don’t have a green energy supplier. So switching to a green provider is one easy change you can make today if sustainability is important to you. 

Get An Energy Efficiency Survey Of Your Home Or Commercial Building

energy efficiency survey

It’s tricky to know how to improve something if you don’t know what the problems actually are. 

Whether you work from home or within a traditional office setup in a commercial building, it’s possible to have an energy efficiency survey carried out. Doing so will tell you which elements of your building are draining energy so that this can be remedied. 

There are endless aspects to consider, from draughts which allow warm air to escape, to inefficient boilers which are expensive to run, because they zap more energy to keep going. 

In some cases, your home or office may qualify for a grant to make it more energy efficient, which will cut the costs of becoming greener in an instant. In addition, it’s also worth checking if any of the work to make your office more energy efficient could be claimed as business expenses. 

Build Plant Walls

plant wall sustainable business ideas ecosend

In our post 5 Major Sustainability Trends For 2023, we mentioned how biophilia is going to be huge for the year ahead.

When it comes to making your office more sustainable, there’s no reason why you can’t adopt the same approach, by adding plenty of plants into your office space. This includes larger installations such as plant walls. 

Plants offer an abundance of benefits for any indoor space. As well as purifying the air, plants also help to re-establish a connection with nature, helping to boost our health and wellbeing as a result. 

For any businesses which own their commercial office space, why not add plant walls to the outside of your building, or install a green roof? If you do so, be sure to tag us over on Instagram so we can see the results! 

Reduce The Use Of Disposable Materials

sustainability trends

From plastic to paper, all offices generate physical waste to some degree. So now is the time to look at every aspect of your business, and see how the use of disposable materials can be reduced.

A simple idea is to use reusable water bottles. But if you want to go even further, look at the contents of your office itself. Everything from old office furniture to tech products you no longer use can all be recycled or repurposed so that they don’t end up in landfill.

Going forward, see how you can make even more changes to reduce the use of disposable materials to the maximum amount. 

Switch To A Sustainable Email Marketing Platform

EcoSend by GoSquared

Our fifth and final tip for making your office more sustainable comes from us directly here at GoSquared

That’s because we hazard a guess that your business sends emails. But did you know, approximately 300 billion emails are sent per day, each generating between 4g and 50g of carbon depending on their weight?

It’s not possible to stop sending emails altogether. But what is possible is to send emails that generate less carbon. That solution is EcoSend by GoSquared, our new email marketing tool that you can sign up for today. We’ll even plant a tree just for signing up, or even for registering for our newsletter. 

As well as planting trees for using us, EcoSend is powered by renewable energy. This in turn, helps to reduce the carbon produced by your business, at least in terms of your marketing efforts. We’re also re-investing some of our profits into our climate-related causes, which you can learn more about over on the EcoSend podcast

All that’s left for you to do is to sign up for your free EcoSend trial! We’re also on hand if you need a demo, or if you have any questions about EcoSend in general. 

We hope you’ve found the above tips useful, and we look forward to welcoming you aboard to EcoSend, where cleaner, greener email marketing awaits! ✉️🌳

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

About the author

Rachael O'Flaherty

Content Writer

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