About the customer
Chris has spent a career in managing the overlap of people and technology.
This has been managing teams of technical and client facing staff in such technology such as, telecoms, software, e-commerce and development. This work has taken him across the globe, and he's had the opportunity to work on projects as diverse as selling lingerie to helping stop poaching and deforestation.
For the most part Chris has been the ‘safe pair of hands’ that takes responsibility for solving problems and delivering results through good tools and most of all good people.
More recently he's been researching and testing the myriad of software tools and services that help businesses improve their workflow, increase productivity that ultimately leads to saving time and money.
In doing so he's created a productivity framework, that when applied, minimises the tools, stress and manual tasks that we’re all so keen to remove to allow us to focus on tasks that add more value.
The challenge
As an entrepreneur and consultant, Chris needed an all-in-one platform to provide the following services:
Monitor User Analytics to track specific pages and actions across his website
A Contacts hub to store his leads and newsletter subscribers
The ability to send monthly Newsletter campaigns
A Live Chat facility to support 1-2-1 user requests
Chris deploys EcoSend Custom Event tracking codes across specific pages and call-to-action buttons of his site. This enables Chris to monitor which pages, and his corresponding services offered, see highest user-engagement.
Chris also tracks which campaigns have driven the most traffic to his site, via EcoSend's UTM Campaign Tracking, to optimise his Marketing funnel.
With EcoSend Live Chat, Chris can offer a personal 1-2-1 communication channel with both new visitors to his site, as well as users within his existing subscriber base.
Chris uses EcoSend's Email Service to send out a monthly round-up Newsletter to his audience, giving his users Business News, Technology, AI and Product updates; all centred round increasing Work productivity and efficiency.
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