How Iris found the right email platform for her mission

Iris made the climate-conscious switch after just one month of using MailBlue and ActiveCampaign.

How Iris found the right email platform for her mission

Iris made the climate-conscious switch after just one month of using MailBlue and ActiveCampaign.

How Iris found the right email platform for her mission

Iris made the climate-conscious switch after just one month of using MailBlue and ActiveCampaign.

About the customer

Interior designer, stylist, speaker, writer; Iris Van Asselt is driven by her mission to inspire individuals and companies to live sustainably.

As founder of 'Studio duurzaam wonen', Iris provides sustainable interior advice to individuals and businesses.

As a speaker, Iris seeks to inspire others with her knowledge of sustainable materials and products that she gained while building her own sustainable, double Tiny House in an eco-community.

Iris believes in a sustainable way of working and living; which is good for both her customers and the earth.

Her mission is to inspire and inform others about how they can live consciously and sustainably.

“Initially I was hesitant, as I had only just signed up for an email platform and started to run my campaigns. But choosing sustainability-minded suppliers is an integral part of my mission, so I had the motivation to switch. I also found the EcoSend team were very helpful in assisting with the migration, which really smoothed the process. After all, as a solo entrepreneur, I juggle many tasks!”

Iris Van Asselt


“Initially I was hesitant, as I had only just signed up for an email platform and started to run my campaigns. But choosing sustainability-minded suppliers is an integral part of my mission, so I had the motivation to switch. I also found the EcoSend team were very helpful in assisting with the migration, which really smoothed the process. After all, as a solo entrepreneur, I juggle many tasks!”

Iris Van Asselt


“Initially I was hesitant, as I had only just signed up for an email platform and started to run my campaigns. But choosing sustainability-minded suppliers is an integral part of my mission, so I had the motivation to switch. I also found the EcoSend team were very helpful in assisting with the migration, which really smoothed the process. After all, as a solo entrepreneur, I juggle many tasks!”

Iris Van Asselt


The challenge

Iris first became aware of EcoSend just one month after setting up her email campaigns with MailBlue/ActiveCampaign.

In order to migrate from this setup, Iris needed a platform that could deliver on the following key business objectives:

  1. Capture prospective leads from her website across multiple sign-up Forms for her Newsletter, E-book, and other services.

  2. Trigger Automated Email Sequences, segmented according to which Form users submit.

  3. Launch Newsletter campaigns with a user-friendly HTML tool.


Iris deploys EcoSend lead capture Forms across her website, which act as an entry point to her Marketing funnel. For her E-Book sign-up Form, users are directed to a page to download the content after submitting their email address.

Once registered, prospects are automatically added to her EcoSend Contacts database, as well as subscribed to a relevant Nurture Sequence, which drip-feeds Iris's content over a set period of time.

Iris also uses the EcoSend Broadcast function to send a one-off emails to her subscribers; giving her audience updates on her latest projects.

“I've enjoyed the drag & drop functionality available in EcoSend, both for building my Forms and for my Email Campaigns. This allows me to create high quality nurture campaigns, without ever having to touch any HTML or code. I also love being able to personalise both the emails and Forms to fit my company branding.”

Iris Van Asselt


“I've enjoyed the drag & drop functionality available in EcoSend, both for building my Forms and for my Email Campaigns. This allows me to create high quality nurture campaigns, without ever having to touch any HTML or code. I also love being able to personalise both the emails and Forms to fit my company branding.”

Iris Van Asselt


“I've enjoyed the drag & drop functionality available in EcoSend, both for building my Forms and for my Email Campaigns. This allows me to create high quality nurture campaigns, without ever having to touch any HTML or code. I also love being able to personalise both the emails and Forms to fit my company branding.”

Iris Van Asselt


Ready to make a difference?

We'll help you at every step, and get your forest started.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API

Ready to make a difference?

We'll help you at every step, and get your forest started.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API

Ready to make a difference?

We'll help you at every step, and get your forest started.

  • Free Email Templates

  • Smart Segmentation

  • Lead Forms

  • Automated Campaigns

  • Automatic Offsetting

  • Team Sharing

  • HTML Email Editor

  • Multi-channel Campaigns

  • Drip Campaigns

  • MailChimp Import

  • Zapier Integration

  • Powerful API